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Safeguarding Notice

Spotland Primary School is committed to safeguarding the children and young people in our care. We expect all staff, governors, visitors and volunteers to share this commitment. For details please see our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy or pick up a leaflet at the office.

For more information please click here to read our Safeguarding Policy.

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Science Banner
Our Science intent is to:
  • To develop children who see Science as relevant to them
  • To develop children who see Science as relevant to them
  • To develop children who are inquisitive learners who ask and find the answer to questions about the world around them
  • To develop children who are resilient and learn from their mistakes
  • To develop children who can learn from others and work independently
  • To develop children who learn in all environments, including outdoors and on visits
  • To develop children that learn through their senses
  • To develop children who can use equipment with confidence and who can measure accurately
  • To develop children who can make links in their learning with other subjects
  • To develop children who can be challenged about their views and can challenge others
  • To develop children who want to study Science and who are inspired to have a Science related career
1) Skills and Knowledge

Great Science Share

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